Unseen Garden
Unseen Garden is a personal 3D animation series which is about flowers and insects, they are currently on sale on Superrare. While we’re not watching, bees are waking up for work from their honey dreams, snails are fascinated by water drops shining like jewellery, and fireflies use flowers to charge their lights. Making a world unseen from our eyes is one of my passions for creation.
Artist : Marina Nakagawa
Sound design: Giorgio Riolo (SAVETHESOUND)
Sunny Garden
The Sunny Garden is the first work I created for this series. I came up with this idea from looking at a catalogue from the rose breeding specialist, David Austin. It’s about a rose and a happy sleepy bee on a Monday morning.
Night Garden
Night Garden is about a snowdrop and fireflies. I grew up in the countryside in Japan and during the summer season, I could see lots of fireflies in the rice fields. I came up with the idea of fireflies charging their lights from flowers which look like lampshades.
Rainy Garden
I came up with this idea in June, which is the rainy season in Japan. During this season, you can see the colourful hydrangeas and lots of snails too. I also wanted to create something with a different type of animal from the other two artworks, so this idea worked perfectly.
Making Article
I collaborated with Garagefarm.net and edited a ‘making of’ article on this project. The Japanese version of this article is now available to read on 3dtotal.jp and English version is currently available on my Behance page. In this article, I wrote about my creative thinking process, how I modelled the flowers and insects using Cinema4D and Zbrush. Then I wrote the process of rigging, animating and lighting with animatics, screen captures from Cinema4D.
It was also a great opportunity for me to learn how to make a documentation of my projects. Sharing the process is not easy but I’d like to try it more!
The english version of this making article is available to check on my behance page.